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Basic Human Rights

1. The right to maintain your dignity and respect by behaving in a skilled or assertive way – even if a person feels hurt – whilst not violating the basic human rights of others;

2. The right to be treated with respect and dignity;

3. The right to refuse requests without feeling guilty or selfish;

4. The right to experience and express your own feelings;

5. The right to stop and think before you act;

6. The right to change your mind;

7. The right to ask for what you want (all the while realizing that the other person has the right to say no);

8. The right to do less than what you are humanly capable of doing

9. The right to be independent;

10. The right to decide what to do with your own body, time and property;

11. The right to ask for information;

12. The right to make mistakes – and to be responsible for them;

13. The right to feel good about yourself;

14. The right to have your own needs, understanding that these needs are as important as the needs of others. Besides, we have the right to ask (not demand) others to respond to our needs and to decide if we satisfy the needs of others;

15. The right to have opinions and to express them;

16. The right to decide if you satisfy the expectations of others or if you behave according to your interests – always without violating the rights of others;

17. The right to talk about the problem with the person involved and clarify it, in extreme cases where rights might not be clear;

18. The right to obtain what you pay for;

19. The right to choose not to behave in an assertive or socially-skilled way;

20. The right to have rights and to defend them;

21. The right to be listened to and taken seriously;

22. The right to be alone when you choose it;

23. The right to do anything as long as you don´t violate the rights of another person.

Source: Extracted, translated and adapted by Psychologist Alexandro Paiva from Manual de Evaluación y Entrenamiento de las Habilidades Sociales, p.189 / Vicente E. Caballo. Siglo XXI de España Editores S.A., 2007.

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Clinical Psychologist and Psychosexual Therapist (CRP 06/118772) with experience in treating adult Brazilian and Foreign clients (individual and couples), in English and Portuguese. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) specialist certified by both the Institute of Psychiatry, Clinics Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo (Brazil) and Proficoncept, which is certified by DGERT (European Union). Advanced training in Psychotherapy with a Focus on Human Sexuality from the Paulista Institute of Sexuality. Love Addiction Therapist certified by the Institute of Psychiatry, Clinics Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo. Member of the Brazilian Association of Psychology and Behavioral Medicine (ABPMC).

English Language Specialist: Translation Methodology (FAFIRE). Having worked as an English Language Teacher for about 10 years (Brazil and China) and lived with people from different cultures, keeps a Psychoeducational Blog with Resources on Psychology and Sexuality.

Main interests include Psychology, Sexuality, Translation Studies, Foreign Languages, Traveling and Photography.

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