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Food For Thought


If you are moving to Brazil and would like to learn more about family and socialization factors in this country, just click the link below and hit the download button: Family and Socialization Factors in Brazil: An Overview

Happy reading!


This is the link to São Paulo Megacity Mental Health Survey – a population-based epidemiological study of psychiatric morbidity in the São Paulo metropolitan area: aims, design and field implementation


Enjoy your reading!

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Clinical Psychologist, Psychosexual Therapist and Marriage Counselor (CRP 06/118772) with experience in treating adult Brazilian and Foreign clients (individual and couples), in English and Portuguese. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) specialist certified by both the Institute of Psychiatry, Clinics Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo (Brazil) and Proficoncept, which is certified by DGERT (European Union). Received advanced training in Psychotherapy with a Focus on Human Sexuality from the Paulista Institute of Sexuality. Member of the Brazilian Association of Psychology and Behavioral Medicine (ABPMC).

Specialist in English Language: Translation Methodology (FAFIRE). Having worked as an English Language Teacher for about 10 years (Brazil and China) and lived with people from different cultures, keeps a Blog with Psychoeducational Resources on Psychology and Sexuality.

Main interests include Psychology, Sexuality, Translation Studies, Foreign Languages, Traveling and Photography.

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